The Balter of Ashton Harper is a nominee in the Realm Awards! 😱
Reader votes determine the winner, so if you read Balter and loved it, I would so appreciate it if you took the time to vote. Voting is open until June 12th, and it takes less than two minutes.
I’ll be honest, when I got the email about being a nominee it was a complete and incredible surprise! I’ve been attending the Realm Makers conference for years, and it’s always been a dream of mine to have a book in consideration for the awards. A huge thank you to everyone whose votes have gotten me here!
Thank you to everyone who has voted for me so far!! This is already a dream come true.
docendo disco scribendo cogito
(I learn by teaching and think by writing.)
Millie Florence
can you vote for the same book in all three favorite categories? The only book I have read in the list is yours!
The other two categories aren’t required, so if I were you I would list Balter as your 1st pick and leave your 2rd and 3rd pick blank when you submit.
Thank you so much for your support!