Book Review: The Mythmakers

The Mythmakers: The Remarkable Fellowship of C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. TolkienThe Mythmakers: The Remarkable Fellowship of C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien by John Hendrix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well. I never thought I’d cry over a non-fiction book before, but here we are!

The Mythmakers by John Hendrix was a bit of an impulse purchase for me at the 2024 Hutchmoot Conference. I love all things Tolkien and Lewis, but I rarely, if ever, read graphic novels or non-fiction. I can safely say that this is my first non-fiction graphic novel.

I read The Mythmakers by John Hendrix in 3 hours on a snowy Sunday afternoon in winter with a mug of tea at my elbow, and I cannot imagine a better way to experience this amazing book.

The story is equally fascinating and moving, and these two authors whom I have looked up to almost my entire life felt incredibly real through John Hendrix’s telling. He uses many of the principles Lewis and Tolkien most prized in storytelling to tell the story of their lives, like their philosophies on truth, hope, and fantasy, which made the book not only faithful to facts but faithful to the beliefs and spirit of Lewis and Tolkien as people. I’d like to think this is how they would want their story to be told.

I’m an author, not an artist, but even with my limited knowledge, I could tell that the illustrations and visual components of the book were expertly crafted. The use of color, space, and the graphic novel format were all excellently done.

Outside of my admiration for the craft and the subject, this book touched me in a more personal way as well. As a dedicated Christian (protestant) fantasy author whose best friend is also a dedicated Christian (Catholic) fantasy author, and a larger circle of Christian artist friends, I found myself relating to Lewis and Tolkien in ways I never would have expected. From the importance of their fellowship and philosophies on religion, writing, and fantasy, to the difficulties of feedback, the complex emotions of friendship, and dreaming of literary success. Even oddly specific details, like Tolkien’s interest in acting, jokes, pranks, and general shenanigans, made me realize how truly human these two incredible men were.

I’m not exaggerating when I say I sobbed through the ending. As soon as I finished, I picked up The Fellowship of the Ring and began to re-read it with a new appreciation.

Likewise, I’m sure I will return to The Mythmakers as well over the years to come, to find fellowship across time with Christian artists and the joys and trials we all share.

docendo disco, scribendo cogito,

– Millie Florence

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