This post is a bit overdue, but I wanted to give you guys a quick recap of the book release party. It was amazing! The night before the party, my [...]
Hey, everyone! So it has been a couple of weeks since my book was released and things have gotten kinda crazy. Crazy in a good way, mostly. I've been getting [...]
Published at Last . . .
Well... Honey Butter is published. I guess when you boil that down it means two main things: You can read it. I can start a new story. Both of [...]
Own Your Words: How to Deal with Being Embarrassed by Your Old Writing
Rejection is a big topic in the writing world. Getting over the fear of your writing being rejected. Rejected by your friends, family, publishers, critics, etcetera. But I think there’s [...]
Book Recommendations
Hello there! Looking for something to read? Well, I have few recommendations for you! These following books are some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy! Spilling Ink - By [...]