Allow me to introduce you to my next book. It’s a middle-grade fantasy adventure novel with a touch of regency era history. So, without further ado... The Balter of Ashton [...]
The Character-Reader Connection
During the Beta Reader stage for Lydia Green of Mulberry Glen, J.C. Buchanan one of my beta readers, had a favorite character. That character was Prehna Birchdell, the smart, logical, [...]
Book Trailer Released! If you don't follow me elsewhere, let me catch you up to speed. I've wanted to make a book trailer ever since Lydia Green of Mulberry Glen was published, [...]
Early Drafts of Opening Lines
The first lines of a book can change quite a bit from first draft to final copy. First impressions are important - and hard. Very hard. I was acutely reminded [...]
The Best Middle Grade High Fantasy Books
Hello world, Millie Florence here! A couple of weeks ago I posted a YouTube Video full of middle-grade book recommendations of the high fantasy kind, and you guys loved it! [...]