📚I signed a publishing contract! 😆✨The Balter of Ashton Harper is officially coming to you through Bandersnatch Books in 2023!
Naturally, my family went out to celebrate with hibachi and ice cream. And I even got (most of) them to take a picture with me for Instagram! XD

I am so excited to work with Bandersnatch! Their mission is to find quality books off the beaten path and make them accessible to everyone, which I love. It feels like the perfect home for Balter!
I actually submitted the concept of Balter to them over a year ago, long before Balter was finished. They got back to me, told me that they liked what they read, and said I should send them the final draft when it was complete.
So a couple of months ago I did… and here we are today!
This is my first time publishing a book with a company, but I can already tell it will be a lot less work for me than self-publishing. It’s definitely freed up some time for me to focus on writing my other projects while I wait to hear back on edits, and I’m very excited to collaborate with Carolyn, Annie Beth, and Rachel on bringing The Balter of Ashton Harper to all of you!
Thank you, Bandersnatch for believing in Ashton and his story! And thank YOU, my wonderful readers, for your endless encouragement! You’re the best.💛
docendo disco scribendo cogito
(I learn by teaching and think by writing.)
- Millie Florence